Five Must Watch Episodes of The Great War

Five Must Watch Episodes of The Great War

1) The Destroyed Villages Of France – Fleury

Considering the subject matter, it’s a little morbid to say I have a favorite episode. But, I do.

I have seen a lot of documentaries in my time and read my share of works on war. But nothing, absolutely nothing, struct me quite as deeply as this special episode where Indy and his crew travel to Fleury-devant-Douaumont in France. The Great War wiped the city off the face of the Earth. I won’t spoil any more than that, but walking through what is left is absolutely heartbreaking: making it probably the most effective piece of media on World War 1 you will ever see. It ends on a memorial for French soldiers found buried in an unmarked grave in Fleury and Indy’s closing words will stay with me forever,

“This is Fleury. This is all that is left.”

Written by JP3 - November 10, 2018

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