Ten Years of VNs Now Special Feature: Fifty EVNs JP Recommends (10-1)

Ten Years of VNs Now Special Feature: Fifty EVNs JP Recommends (10-1)

8. One Night Stand (Games by Kinmoku)

A lot of people say gaming should be open enough to include more sex, but what they really mean is they want explicit pornography in video games. Because if they meant the former, the easiest way to get it would be to promote works like One Night Stand. Taking place literally the morning after, the narrative hinges on the desire to find something more intimate in people than just, well, sex. It’s a beautiful portrait of human connection and attempts at connection using what has become a rare artistic approach: rotoscope. It brings a range and humanity to the work that regular sprites would have missed. It’s an beautiful turn with several touching moments to punctuate the larger themes that makes every playthrough an enjoyable one.

Written by JP3 - June 26, 2021

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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