Ten Years of VNs Now Special Feature: Fifty EVNs JP Recommends (50-30)

Ten Years of VNs Now Special Feature: Fifty EVNs JP Recommends (50-30)


35. National Park Girls (Studio Coattails)

Speaking of ‘hopelessly optimistic’. National Park Girls may seem like Moe pap on its face and, yeah it more than a few moments that feed into the stereotype: I’m not going to deny that. Just underneath that is a story about an iron cynic being pulled out of their headspace by the literal forces of nature. It’s well worn territory, but it helps that the characters are mostly likeable and it leans more into getting into the main character’s head and getting her to an empathetic place with the audience very early. This levels out the Moe antics extremely well and keeps the audience interested to see what happens next. It’s fairly straightforward as far as Slice-of-Life goes, but executed very well and something that easily stands out from others trying similar formulas.

Written by JP3 - June 11, 2021

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